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To be honest, I had to think about it for some time until I came up with a good answer. When I finally came up with an answer, I was surprised at how accurate it was.

The Old Way of Thinking

If you are like me, you already have a good idea of how you think of being a productive engineer. But now that I am reflecting on it, I realized that this question has been bugging me for quite a while, and I have been asking myself “What is productivity anyway?”

In my case, there is a lot of overlap in the definition of a productive engineer and a creative engineer.

Someone who is creative, probably knows how to use the right tools and pick the right objects to work with, but does not necessarily implement the software or the project, and leave the final design as a design is final.

In a similar way, I think a product engineer is also a creative engineer, but is also responsible for the implementation, the software, and the testing of the end result.

Yes, I know that the software is the most important part of the project, and that it helps the creative process, but I think that the design of the final product is an important part of the creative process as well.

When I think about it, I know that I am also a creative engineer, and an implementation engineer, but I am usually defined in the narrow sense.

Because, in the times I work on a big project, I usually feel the need to be available to the designers, to somehow be involved in the design process, even if I am not actually working on the design.

The New Way

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