DiGi WWW Server Crack Full Product Key Free For Windows 💲







DiGi WWW Server With Keygen Free Download

DiGi WWW Server is a web server application that is used for fast and easy up to date web development using php, MySQL and html, and is preconfigured to work on all most popular operating systems including Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.

It is easy to install, and the administration interface allows administrators to manage the server with complete ease.

DiGi is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses that are looking to host web applications, to create a basic website, create a secure web application or a standalone web page as there are enough advanced features included to meet most needs and requirements.


DiGi is bundled with a large number of features, but the most used ones can be found below, with more detailed descriptions in the installation documentation.

Asynchronous PHP processing

DiGi supports both synchronous and asynchronous file access when serving static files. This allows you to use the server as a cache for static files. You can utilize this advanced feature by adding the?Asynchronous=true&Cache=true&Local=true to the relevant URL.

FTP 4.0 Support

DiGi allows you to create any of the dozens of different FTP 4.0 clients and servers that are available.

Multithreaded PHP

DiGi supports a PHP extension that allows multiple threads, to run in parallel, when certain events are fired, which means that your PHP scripts will never be blocked.

Default SimplePageController

Whenever a page is requested, the SimplePageController is run automatically. This is the first step to get you started with the server. With the SimplePageController your pages are configured to display simple HTML markup, styled with CSS. Adding a few more steps will allow you to create more advanced pages that will display more complex data sets.

Built-in PHP based administrative user interface

The DiGi administration interface supports a number of different management tasks that will allow you to maintain the server in a convenient way. You can manage up to 1000 users, add and delete webservers and users, or fine-tune options like mime-types, headers and css selectors to name a few.

Cross-platform support

DiGi WWW Server is bundled with multiple versions of php; Apache, PHP, and PHP FastCGI. DiGi also supports Windows, Mac OS X and Linux distributions, including FreeBSD, OpenBSD, BSD/OS, Ubuntu and Debian.

DiGi WWW Server Crack License Keygen Free Download

DiGi WWW Server is an easy-to-use web server that is designed to serve documents and images to browsers and FTP clients, especially designed for professional web developers who don’t want to waste time setting up a “real” webserver.
To make your life easier, DiGi provides a simple web interface to create new web sites quickly and easily. Just copy and paste a quick and simple HTML file and you’re done. On top of that, DiGi provides an easy-to-use web server manager that makes it easy to start, stop and configure any of your web sites.
DiGi is free software; you are free to download and use it. But DiGi is NOT free software when you make money (i.e. you charge for hosting or support or any other form of selling your web sites, or any other thing).
DiGi includes a web site creator, fast web server, a fast HTTP server, a friendly web browser, a powerful FTP server, a fast image viewer, multiple user support, an excellent article directory, smart file links, smart link directories, smart aliases and more.
DiGi is easily configurable through a powerful web interface, a context sensitive help system and a modular design. So if you are a developer that is looking for a web server to quickly set up some document and image servers for your applications, or web developers that are looking for an easy-to-use, light-weight web server, then DiGi is a web server that is not to be missed.
What is new in version 1.2.0:
DiGi doesn’t just serve files, it also supports .html extensions like .txt and .htm and more.
DiGi supports FastCGI and Rewrite rules. 
DiGi supports PHP. You can now upload PHP files, and the generated PHP scripts will be loaded.
DiGi now supports .pl, .cgi, .php, .fcgi, .asp and more extensions.
DiGi now supports images in .jpg, .gif, .png extensions.
DiGi now supports remote HTTP and FTP connections with authentication, directory listing , file listing , recursive directory listing.
DiGi now supports remote directory listing and file listing.
DiGi now supports user support.
DiGi now supports .shtml, .shtm, .txt,

DiGi WWW Server For Windows

This is a working, light-weight webserver, that features a user friendly graphical administration interface.
The more advanced functions can also be configured from the graphical interface. And in case you are lost, context-sensitive help is always only one click away. The following features are included:

Single-user and multi-user system
Simple configuration, no extensive options
e-mail interface
Anonymous ftp access
Shared and individually specified file directories
User-defined session timeouts
User-defined MySQL user
Recipients: An user can specify e-mail recipients.
The following basic functions are implemented. To use DiGi you don’t have to be a webdesigner:

URL redirections to a directory
FTP directory listings and copy operations
Download of large files
Local file editing (File editor)
Virtual hosting
Virtual IP (A1)
Password protection
A1-Dynamic content (running ASPX scripts)
A1-Dynamic content (running PHP scripts)
A1-Dynamic content (running ColdFusion, ASP, VBscript)
A1-Dynamic content (running CGI)
A1-Dynamic content (running Python scripts)
A1-Dynamic content (running TCL scripts)
A1-Dynamic content (running PERL scripts)
A1-Dynamic content (running Ruby scripts)
A1-Dynamic content (running TAL scripts)
A1-Dynamic content (running Objective-C scripts)
A1-Dynamic content (running JAVA scripts)
A1-Dynamic content (running Php scripts)
A1-Dynamic content (running JavaScript)
A1-Dynamic content (running ASP.net scripts)
A1-Dynamic content (running Flash)
A1-Dynamic content (running Ajax)
Page generation (Specialized file editor)
Session management
DNS forwarding
URL Redirects (HTTP, HTTPS and FTP)

DiGi WWW Server further offers more features as described here:

Category:Web server software
Category:Internet Protocol based network software1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to a data storage device for storing data in the form of a plurality of marks arranged on a media.
2. Description of the Related Art

What’s New In?

DiGi is a fast and easy-to-use webserver for producing web applications.
It was written for simplicity and speed of use. It serves files in text and
faster binary encoding. It allows transparent byte-compressing of web
pages to reduce bandwidth usage. It supports several charsets, encodings and
HTTP method. DiGi can be compiled on any platform supporting C programming.
DiGi can be used to develop CGI and SSI applications and embedded systems.
DiGi allows user to use strings from various sources such as JDBC, XML,
CGI, and application logs. DiGi can transparently load resources from local
file system, databases, URIs and external web server. It also allows to
inline a shell script and to pass parameters and environment variables from
document to template. DiGi can also be used as a fast local web server.
DiGi has a number of features such as:
* Fast and Portable
* Small and Simple
* Doesn’t require any compilation
* Excellent performance
* No maintenance
* Free
DiGi WWW Server Screenshots:
DiGi WWW Server running on Linux CentOS 6.5
DiGi WWW Server running on Windows Vista
… View more ScreenshotsOne of the secret things to know as a writer is to know your market. Like actors know which movies they can pick. And musicians know which songs they can sing. And photographers know which images they can take.

The thing is, none of these are the things you do – you are the things you do. But what you do may affect how you are perceived. One of the most powerful tools I’ve found for honing my act as a writer is to know who I’m writing to.

Nancy P. Sibongile

I am from South Africa and have been writing professionally for the last nine years. I am a blogger, an anchor, a singer, a speaker, a life-coach, a wife, an entrepreneur, a poet, and a storyteller, amongst many other roles. I love going to the theatre, reading, visiting museums, the movies, and traveling.

I also make good music and I believe if you express yourself deeply, you should give something of yourself and you will find that people connect to you because they are listening to your truth.

Mornings are always fun. I love finding out what creativity these


System Requirements For DiGi WWW Server:

Vista/7, 8.1, 10
Intel® Core 2 Duo, 3.2 GHz
Hard Disk:
2 GB Free Disk Space
Screen Resolution:
1024 x 768
Mac OSX:
10.7.5, OSX Mountain Lion
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS/Debian 7.0/Fedora 17
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