AntiSirc Crack Free







AntiSirc Activation Key [32|64bit]

Microsoft Internet Office.exe from all user’s Start MenuProgramsStartup folder
”[HKCRexefileshellopencommand]’ key is restored to “”%1″ %*”
‘[HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunServicesDriver32]’ sub-key is zeroed – set to “”
‘[HKLMSoftwareSirCam]’ is removed with all the sub-keys it has
‘[HKCRapplicationsShellOpenRunCommand]’ key is restored to “”%1″ %*”
‘[HKLMSoftwareSecureBoot]’ key is restored to “””True”””
‘[HKLMSoftwareSecureBootForceUpdate]’ key is restored to “””False”””
Remove all copies of’recycledSirC32.exe’ from users systems:
‘Microsoft Internet Office.exe’ from all user’s Start MenuProgramsStartup folder
If the registry key ‘rundll32.exe’ was overwritten by the worm, it is renamed back to ‘rundll32.exe’.
Remove the variant in ‘[windows_drive]rundll32.exe’ that disables the user’s antivirus. In ‘[windows_drive]rundll32.exe’, search for the string:
‘”%1\%2\%3\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoSys” — antivirus\’
Replace the string with “”
Remove all copies of’recycledSirCam.sys’ from user systems. The file has a text string with the purpose of exhausting the disk space. It is part of the worm’s payload. This file is removed from all users’ %windir%\system32 and %windir%\system directories.
Restore the removed keys:
‘[HKCRexefileshellopencommand]’ key is restored to “”%1″ %*”

AntiSirc (2022)

The AntiSirc utility can be run either as a standalone utility (where it runs the three removal steps described above) or as an AvantiScript (an AvantiScript is an intermitter that allows you to tell anti-infection/anti-spyware software to run the removal steps automatically.)
AntiSirc is distributed under the GNU GPL Licence.

New and improved version. No more invalid registry keys, now the worm will put several copies of itself (instead of one only) and delete only the last one, for example, if the worm is stopped before deleting the first one, it will delete the last one.

SirC.exe is a worm which injects itself in processes whose name starts with ‘SirC’ like ‘SirC32.exe’, ‘SirC’ etc and then deletes itself after 5 minutes. It replaces “rundll32.exe” with “rundll32.exe”. The Sircam worms change file extensions and the new file names all start with “run32.exe”, but the new extension is “.frml”, so if you double click “run32.exe” you have the possibility to send mail to you. It replaces this file with one starting with “run32” also.

A reader of my anti-virus program at another place asked me to update his AntiSirc program. I did, and here is the result.
New and improved version. No more invalid registry keys, now the worm will put several copies of itself (instead of one only) and delete only the last one, for example, if the worm is stopped before deleting the first one, it will delete the last one.
SirC.exe is a worm which injects itself in processes whose name starts with ‘SirC’ like ‘SirC32.exe’, ‘SirC’ etc and then deletes itself after 5 minutes. It replaces “rundll32.exe” with “rundll32.exe”. The Sircam worms change file extensions and the new file names all start with “run32.exe”, but the new extension is “.frml”, so if you double click “run32.exe” you have the possibility to send mail to you. It replaces this file with one starting with “run32” also.

I don’t know what user is talking about.
I have read about the issues of the worm I’m talking about, and it

AntiSirc Crack+ For Windows

AntiSirc is a set of eight programs that were created in order to remove the infamous Sircam worm from computers. The process to remove Sircam is rather complex and requires manual removal of several registry keys. This worm is constantly evolving and Sircam might appear with new changes every few days. The process to remove this worm is described at the bottom of this page.
AntiSirc includes:
– Srmloader.exe – one of the few tools in the whole AntiSirc project. It launches Srm.exe, which removes all possible Sircam (and everything Sircam has touched) files and restores important registry keys. It does not fix the worm, it simply removes the infection.
– AntiSirc.ini – a text file that contains all the options Sircam may have modified to the registry. After the files and registry keys are removed, it changes the registry to its original default value.
– SirCam.ini – a text file that contains all the options SirCam may have changed in the registry. This information is used to rename the special ‘rundll32.exe’ file placed by SirCam in the startmenu. This file is then removed and the original ‘rundll32.exe’ is restored.
All these files contain the command line arguments that may be passed to the executable.
The worm itself is stored in the following files:
‘- [windows_system_dir]SirC.dat’
‘- [windows_dir]SirC.exe’
‘- [windows_dir]Scam.dat’
‘- [windows_dir]Scam.exe’
‘- [windows_dir]ScMx.dat’
‘- [windows_dir]ScMx.exe’
‘- [windows_dir]New-scam.dat’
‘- [windows_dir]New-scam.exe’
As you can see these files start with ‘SCam’ and ‘ScMx’ and contain copies of the worm. This process is described in more detail below.
Process to remove Sircam worm:
Since Sircam makes several copies of itself and changes multiple registry keys, manually removing every single one is rather difficult.
The removal process can be done in two phases:
1. Delete all the possible copies of the worm
2. Restore all the possibly changed registry keys
A third phase (if the process was successful) is to

What’s New in the AntiSirc?

AntiSirc is a utility that is developed and written by Joerg Fiedler. The file is released without any warranty of any kind, including quality, reliability or fitness for a particular purpose. AntiSirc may unintentionally damage your system. AntiSirc is freeware for non-commercial use only.
AntiSirc Utility Help:
‘AntiSirc’ – Help | Main page | AntiSirc.chm
AntiSirc Modules:
SirC.ldr is executed by the ‘SirC.exe’. It is an interactive executable which executes all operations. It has the capabilities of opening a number of windows (e.g. cal, calendar, clock etc.) and displays a status dialog when it is active. SirC.dll is used to access the objects exposed by the SirC.exe. It has the capabilities of providing file operations, e.g. opening file. Finally SirC.bas is the main function of the worm. It is using this function to do most of the things and to install the worm.
AntiSirc Help:
‘AntiSirc’ – Help | Software | AntiSirc.chm
AntiSirc Modules:
SirC32.dll is loaded by the ‘SirC32.exe’ when a ‘computer’ object is opened. SirC32.ldr is the version of ‘SirC32.dll’ loaded by the ‘SirC32.exe’ when ‘computer’ object is opened. SirC32.dll is the main function of the worm. SirC32.bas is the main function of the worm. It is using this function to do most of the things and to install the worm.
AntiSirc Notes:
This utility is intended only for users having technical knowledge and for users that are familiar with the Windows operating system and with computer viruses.
AntiSirc will remove all the files that are created by the worm and will restore the corresponding files from the restored registry entries. However, by definition the worm will, by its nature, overwrite some of the files of the system. Therefore, AntiSirc is not guaranteed to work on all systems.
AntiSirc is

System Requirements:

Table of Contents:
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