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* Adobe Photoshop CS
* Photoshop Elements 6


Adobe Photoshop CS Quick Reference Guide
by Stephan Martin and Richard Ishida, 2008.

Photoshop Elements 6 Quick Reference Guide
by Martin and Ishida, 2006.


Although it is not a common form of photography, Photoshop’s ability to transform negatives into positive images enables artists to create a variety of images including altered portraits. The technique is referred to as a photomagic image, and most of its characteristics will be common to all photomagic techniques.


1. At the bottom of the screen is a section showing the orientation of your image.

Adobe Photoshop CS

Photoshop Elements

2. Above that, is a section that shows the “blend” mode, which determines how the image will work.


3. Above the blend mode, is a section that shows the “output” settings. These are where most of the contrast and toning settings are made.


4. The left side of the image will show the current “mask” or “blend” mode. The right side will show the current blend mode and the output settings.

> This image was created with a negative (top left) and an image of an antique doll (top right).

5. Below the image is an options box for you to use. Click on this box to access the image options.

> These options are set here so that they are visible below the image itself. Here you can change the background color and text, change the size and style of the shapes, move the main layers, change the opacity of the layers and shapes, lock, and unlock layers, and apply a mask.

Option Box

6. The next section, in the far right, will be a blank page for you to create your image on. The image itself will appear on this page, and this is where you will make edits to the image.

> The Image options here will appear here as well. These are the same options as found in the option box. In this image, we will change the color, luminance, contrast, and brightness of the main subject and the background.

Image Options

7. On the left is the histogram. The histogram is a graph of

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Photoshop Elements doesn’t support layers, channels and filters – nor does it save multiple files at once, which is a must-have for those who edit more than one image at a time. Its editing capabilities are still very good, even for someone who knows Photoshop, so it’s still recommended for beginners and advanced users alike.

Photoshop Elements has only a few other limitations: the most important one is that it does not support vector graphics – so you cannot save complex artwork as SVG files.

This tutorial teaches you how to edit images in Photoshop Elements, from import to print.

We’re going to cover:

Basic editing techniques

Basic color adjustment

Advanced color adjustment

Saving images as files

Using brushes

Creating works of art

Graphics editing for web design

Photoshop Elements is available for macOS 10.11 or later, Windows 7 or later, and the iPad. It’s also available for Android phones.

Photoshop Elements works fine on all three platforms, so it won’t matter which one you use. The only thing that matters is that you have enough memory for Photoshop Elements to run properly.

You can download and use Photoshop Elements for free for a 30-day trial. After that, you’ll need to subscribe to have access to more features, which costs a one-off fee of around $30 per year and then a recurring fee of around $25 per year. Alternatively, you can buy a lifetime subscription that costs around $90 and is the same price as a monthly plan.

Subscribing is a better value as it’s less expensive and you don’t have to pay the one-off fee again if you cancel your subscription within 30 days.

1. Installing Photoshop Elements

Photoshop Elements has three editions:

The basic edition. This is the most basic of all and has the fewest features but is free.

The standard edition. This contains most of the features found in the pro versions but is also free.

The premium edition. This is the version that you buy if you can afford to. It has all the features you’d expect from Photoshop and is the most advanced of all.

The only difference between the editions is the amount of memory that it uses.

If you want to save time or don’t have enough space on your hard drive to install the full Photoshop, then Photoshop Elements is a good alternative.

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Getting the index of a selected value in select2

I am using Select2 with AngularJS as follows:

QA Environment
UAT Environment
Prod Environment
Stage Environment
Dev Environment

I then have a button that triggers the following function:
$scope.server_build_init = function(val){

This function outputs as follows:
object {buildserver=”8″}

I am trying to get the value of the buildserver that is selected, however all of my attempts to do so have failed. What is the best way to achieve this?
The most obvious method I can think of is setting up an angularjs service, but this is overkill and I don’t want to use a service if there is a cleaner way.


If your list of servers is just a basic array of strings, and you want to select the item in the list matching the selected value of your ngModel, you could do something like:
$scope.server_build_init = function(val){

What’s New In?


If your computer is connected to a network, you may be prompted to log in. If so, don’t worry, it will only take a minute.

Your Photoshop workspace will appear (see Figure 2-1, top). You can modify the title and folder here. You don’t really need to change either. Just leave the defaults.

Figure 2-1. Before you start editing, be sure to add some useful space in your workspace. An empty background is the best way to get maximum performance from Photoshop. Here, the background is set to the black color of the background color swatch.

## Step 2: Laying the Groundwork

Before you start learning to use some of Photoshop’s tools, it’s a good idea to work on some composition fundamentals. If you have never worked with Photoshop before, these basic tasks will prepare you to handle the bulk of your graphics work. Don’t worry, they’re relatively easy:

System Requirements For Photoshop 2022:

OS: Windows XP SP2 or higher
Processor: 500MHz
Memory: 256 MB
Hard Drive: 300 MB
DirectX: DirectX 9.0
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Microsoft Silverlight:
Step 2: Install Silverlight
Once you have downloaded the Silverlight plug-in it will be saved on your desktop.
Step 3: Make sure you have Silverlight enabled in Internet Explorer
In Internet Explorer, on the Tools Menu, select Internet Options
Select the Security Tab

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