Steve Harvey’s Dating Tips for Older Women: Dating Younger Men

As with any relationship, one where you will spend time with one another every day, you need to be on the same page in order to make a successful relationship work. You’ve already got a solid foundation in mind, so now you just need to decide where to begin. Go ahead and take a peek at what the most successful couples have in common.

You’ll find yourself asking yourself: Am I doing this right? What makes someone a great partner, anyway? We’ve got you covered.

Your First Date

It may seem like a no-brainer, but make sure you’ve got everything planned out. Before you hop in your car or hop on the train to meet this new person, make sure you take time to think through what you will do on the date. Remember, just because you’re on a date, doesn’t mean you have permission to touch. It’s perfectly acceptable to do a lot of things: Ask questions, talk about your interests and passions, make small talk, eat and drink, and…well, why not use your imagination, and make yourself the envy of all of your friends at your next cocktail party?

However, once you’ve put your best foot forward, it’s very important that you don’t let the conversation move in directions that you might be uncomfortable with. If she brings up something that you aren’t comfortable with, and she’s the first one to do so, it’s not cool. Make sure you are being respectful and talking to each other, and find a good balance of how much to open up and how much to put each other at ease.

One rule to be wary of in the early stages of dating is not to overwhelm someone with every question that comes out of your mouth. Don’t ask a ton of questions early on and expect that you’ll be comfortable with who you are later on.

You should think about your first date as a learning process, and you should be open to hearing different and potentially weird things about yourself. You’re both in new territory, and you need to get through the first date and walk away feeling like you’re getting to know each other better. This means talking about yourself, what you like, and what you don’t like. If you’re trying to start a discussion about politics or religion, it’s probably not a good first date.

Sometimes, you may find the answers to your questions through your own experiences, but don’t make assumptions. Be open-minded, and don’t be afraid
10 Ways to Meet People Online

Dating isn’t just for the over-40s. Everyone—whether they be in their teens or in their 90s—can benefit from the courage it takes to ask for what you want in life. For many, dating is a basic step in a progression toward finding a meaningful and long-lasting relationship. If you’re looking for a fling, Facebook is a good place to find the likeminded. But if you’re looking for a relationship, you’ll need to ask your friends to introduce you to the right people. 1) Ask your friends to introduce you to people on their lists. You’ve probably already heard the argument that your friends are terrible at picking up new people. As easy as it is for your friends to suggest their friends, when they do, those friends can’t turn them down. So they often drag their friends along with them. If you’re looking for a serious relationship, ask friends for help. They’ll ask their friends for help. One quick note: If one friend has a crush on you, don’t be surprised if he or she puts you on the spot and asks you to make a move on their friend, even though it’s not your intention.

2) Use your entire Facebook profile—not just your “About me” page. Think about your profile as a whole. You can write a “About me” page or link to a more detailed “About me” page that contains all the information you want people to know about you. However, don’t think that you can’t have an “About me” page; many people do. People you’re friends with will see your personal profile but be able to view your “About me” page.

3) Have a profile photo. If you’re in college, you probably have a photo of yourself in a drunken stupor at your fraternity party. Chances are, it’s blurry and poorly lit, but that photo has captured your general dating-search self. Change it up, and it will change the way you’re viewed by people. There are many reasons to take a professional photo of yourself. Again, you can do this through your profile, which will allow people to view a larger version of your picture. If you’re going to a party that you want to go to, have a photo of your most attractive self for the chance that you’ll get to meet someone there. You can use photo booth photos or professionally taken photos through Match or eHarm

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